Monday, 28 January 2013

Old names for British and Irish bird species

British and Irish Modern-day names shown in bold:

Avocet: Butterflip, Scooper, Yelper, Cobble’s-awl Duck, Crooked Bill, Cambig (Welsh). Barnacle Goose: Clack Goose (Scotland), Rade Goose (Scotland), Bernicle Goose (Eng), Tree Goose.  Barn Owl: White Owl, Yellow Owl, Screech Owl, Gilly Owlet, Madge Howlet , Bily Whit, Church Owl, Hissing Owl, Moggy, Padge.  Bittern: Moss Bummer (Scotland), Moss Drummer (Scotland), Mire-Dromble (lowland Scotland), Rara Dumbla (old English), Bull-of-the-bog, Bog-blutter, Bog-jumper/bumper, Butter-bump, Bumpy-coss, Aderyn y Bwn (Welsh).  Blackbird: Black Ouzel, Amzel, Ussel, Oossel, Blackjock.  Blackcap: Blackcap Warbler, Mock Nightingale.  Black Guillemot: Tystie, Scraber, Greenland Dove, Sea Turtle.  Black Grouse: Waur Cock (Scotland from Ware day) , Black Cock, Black Game, Heath Cock, Heath Poult, Grey Hen (female).  Black-headed Gull: Red-legged Gull, Sea Crow, Hooded Mew, Pewit-Gull, Heidie (Scotland).  Black Redstart: Tithys, Black Redtail.  Black-tailed Godwit: Red-godwit Snipe, Jadreka Snipe, Red-Godwit, Yarwhelp, Yarwhip, Shrieker, Barker.  Black Tern: Blue Darr, Starn.  Black-throated Diver: Dueler Goose (from Scotland meaning mournful), Lumme, Norther Doucker, Speckled Loon.  Black-winged Stilt: Long-legged Plover, Long-legs, Long-shanks, Stilt-plover, Hirgoes (Welsh).  Blue tit: Tomtit, Blue tomtit, Nun, Blue-cap, Blue-bonnet, Billy-biter, Hickwall, Blue Mope, Nun, Tinnock, Titw tomos Las (Welsh).  Bluethroat: Blue-throated Warbler, Blue-throated Redstart, Blue-breast, Bronlas (Welsh).  Brambling: Mountain Finch, Bramble Finch, Lulean Finch, French Pie Finch, Tartan Back, Gwinc (Welsh).  Brent Goose Clatter Goose (Scotland), Ware Goose (English), Black Goose, Crocker, Rood Goose, Rat Goose.  Bullfinch: Olph, Alp, Hoop, Red Hoop, Blood Hoop, Nope, Budbird, Bullspink, Malpe.
Buzzard: Puttag, Puttock (from Gaelic to hunt), Bwncath (Welsh). 

Capercaillie Cock-of-the-Woods, Wood Grouse, Cock-of-the-Mountain, Great Grouse, Capercally.  Carrion Crow: Corbie Crow, Flesh Crow, Gor Crow, Midden Crow, Black Neb.  Chaffinch: Spink, Pink, Twink, Skelly, Shelly, Shell-apple, Scobby, Shilfa, Buckfinch, Horsefinch, Copperfinch, Whitefinch, Beechfinch, Wetfinch, Wood Lintie, Apple-bird, Pie Finch, Taggy, Ji-Binc (Welsh).  Chiffchaff: Lesser pettychaps, Least willow wren, Siff-saff (Welsh).  Chough: Cornish Chough, Red-legged Crow, Cornish Daw, Cornwal Kae, Market-jew Crow, Chauk Daw, Hermit Crow, Cliff Daw, Killigrew.  Cirl Bunting: French Yellowhammer, Black-throated Yellowhammer.  Common Gull: Winter Mew, Sea Mew, Sea Mall, Sea Cob.  Common Sandpiper: Willie Beets, Willie-Wet-Feet (Scotland from dabbling in shallow water hence wet feet), Summer Snipe (throughout Britain), Willy Wicket, Sand Lark, Otterling, Shad Bird.  Common Snipe: Mire Snipe (old Norse from Myrisnipa), Mire Drummer, Horse Gowk (old Norse for Horse Cuckoo), Whole Snipe, Snite, Heather-bleater, Heather hammer.  Common Tern: Sea Swallow, Tarney, Pitcarney, Tarrock, Pirr, Gull-teaser, Dip Pearl.  Coot: Bell Kite (Scotland from “bell” meaning white spot and “kite” meaning coot.) Bassind Duek (Scotland meaning white headed duck), Bald Coot. Bell Pout, Snyth.  Cormorant: Skarf (Scotland), Cole Goose, Huplin, Lairblade, Lorin, Parson, Mulfran (Welsh).  Corn Bunting: Common Bunting, Ebb, Boltie Lairag, Corn Dumbling.  Corncrake Land Rail, Dakerhen, Meadow Crake.  Crested Tit: Juniper Titmouse.  Dartford Warbler: Furze Wren.  Dipper: Water Ouzel, Brook Ouzel, Water Crow, Water piet, Bessy ducker, Esscock, Water Craw, Burnie Baker.  Dotterel: Foolish Dotterel, Dotterel Plover, Wind.  Dunlin: Plover’s Page (British as the species was also associated with golden plover), Ebb Daaker (Scotland for tide sleeper), Ebb sleeper (as previous), Purre, Oxbird, Sea Snipe, Least Snipe, Sea Lark, Boondie, Pickerel, Sea Mouse.  Eider: Dunter (Scotland for bobbing on the sea), St.Cuthbert’s Duck, Cuddy Duck, Colk.  Fieldfare: Felfit, Felty-fare, Blue-back, Jack Bird, Blue Felt, Fullfor, Fullfit, Pigeon Felt, Veldiver, Velley Bird, Velverd, Socan Eira (Welsh).  Firecrest: Fire-crested Regulus, Basket Hinger, Moonie.  Fulmar: Mallimak, Fulmar Petrel.  

Gadwall: Rodge, Grey Duck.  Gannet: Solan Goose (from Scotland and Gaelic to describe the birds of Ailsa Craig as “Sulan”), Basser, Bass Goose, John o’Gaunt, Hugan (Welsh).  Garden Warbler: Pettychaps, Greater pettychaps.  Garganey: Summer Duck, Summer Teal, Pied Wigeon, Crick.  Glaucous Gull: Large White-winged Gull, Burgomaster.  Goldcrest: Gold-creasted Wren, Gold-crested Regulus, Golden-crested Warbler, Golden Cutty, Herring Spink. Thumb Bird, Tidley Goldfinch, Woodcock Pilot, Dryw penfflamgoch (Welsh).  Goldeneye: Brown-headed Duck, Golden-eyed Wigeon, Morillon, Rattlewings.  Golden Oriole: Loriot (French), Whitwall (English), Euryn (Welsh).  Golden Plover: Rainy Bird, Hill Plover (plover is derived from French), Yellow Plover, Whistling Plover.  Goldfinch: Thistle Finch, Gold-spink, Grey Kate, Pate, Proud Tailor, King-Harry Red-cap, Thistle Tweaker, Fool’s Coat, Goold Spink, Gool French, Goolie, Jack Nicker, Sherriff’s Man, Thistle Warp, Coloured Linnet, Nico (Welsh).  Goosander: Harnie Duek (Scotland meaning diving goose), Sawneb (Scotland from saw and neb for bill; sawbill), Dun Diver, Sparling Fowl, Jacksaw, Saw-bill, Horner.  Grasshopper Warbler: Cricket Bird, Reel Bird, Reeler.  Great-black-backed Gull: Cob, Black Back. Wagel.  Great Crested Grebe: Cargoose, Tippet Grebe, Greater Loon, Gaunt.  Great Grey Shrike: Greater Butcher, Ash-coloured Shrike, Cinereous Shrike, Nine Killer, White Whiskey John, Cigydd (in Welsh meaning Butcher).  Great Northern Diver: Ember Goose (from old Norse meaning surf roarer), Greatest-speckled Diver, Great Doucker, Immer, Immer Diver, Bishop, Bunivochil, Carara.  Great-Spotted Woodpecker: French-Pie, Whitwall, Great Black and White Woodpecker, Wood-nacker.  Great Shearwater: Dusky Shearwater, Cinerous Shearwater, Hackbolt.  Great Skua: Bonxie (from Norse “Bunski” meaning dumpy body), Brown Gull, Morrel Hen, Tod Bird, Tom Harry.  Great Snipe: Double Snipe, Solitary Snipe.  Great Tit: Oxeye, Great Titmouse, Great-blackheaded Tomtit, Pick-cheese, Saw Sharpener, Carpenter Bird, Joe Bent.  Green Sandpiper: Little Greenshank, Martin Snipe (due to its resemblance of a House Martin in flight).  Greenshank: Stiltie (Scotland for wader with long legs), Cinerous Godwit, Green-legged Horseman.  Green Woodpecker: Wood-spite, Rain-fowl, Rain-bird, Hew-hole, Yaffle, Whet-ile, Woodwall, Witwall, Popinjay, Awl-Bird, Eaqual, Pick-a-tree, Yappingale, Ecle, Galley Bird. Heffald, High Hoe, Nicker, Sprite, Yaffingale, High Hoe, Nicker, Yockle.  Grey Heron: Lang Sandy (Scotland), Harn (Scotland), Hern, Heronshaw, Heronseugh, Frank.  Grey Partridge: Oat Hen, Aithehen (Scotland meaning grey hen), Petrisen (Welsh).  Guillemot: Willock, Tinkershere, Tarrock, Scout, Sea-hen, Murre, Lavy, Longie, Skuttock, Tinkershire, Weerit.  Gyr Falcon: Jer Falcon, Greenland Falcon. 

Hedge Sparrow/Dunnock: Blind Dunnock, Hedge Warbler, Hedge-warbler, Shufflewing, Hempie, Blue Sproug, Blue Sparrow, Blue Isaac, Dykie, Hedge Hatcher, Hay Suck, Pinnock.  Hen Harrier: Flapper, Blue Hawk (Scotland), Broon Gled (From Norse “gleda”; to glide), Bod Tinwen (Welsh).  Hooded Crow: Royston Crow, Dun Crow, Norway Crow, Kentish Crow, Grey Crow, Grey-backed Crow, Bunting Crow, Scare Crow, Hoodie, Scremeston Crow, Coatham Crow.   Hoopoe: Dung-bird, Copog (Welsh).  House Martin: Martin Swallow, Martin, Window Martin, Eaves Swallow, Window Swallow.  House Sparrow: Common Sparrow, Gilpan, Sproug, Thatch Sparrow, Easing Sparrow, Eaves Sparrow, Spadger, Spur, Spuggie, Thack Sparrow.  Jackdaw: Daw, Jack, Caddaw, Caddess, Kae, Kay, Jac-y-Do (Welsh).  Jack Snipe: Judcock, Half Snipe.  Jay: Jay-pie, Jay-piet, Sgrech y Coed (Welsh)  Kestrel: Red Hawk, Moosie Gled (Scotland for mouse hunting hawk), Windfo#cker (Saxon for hoverer), Windhover, Hoverhawk, Stannel/Stanuel Hawk, Cresshawk, Fanner Hawk, Fleingall, Keelie, Stanchel, Stand Hawk, Stanniel, Stonegall, Vanner, Wind Cuffer, Wind Sucker.  Kittiwake: Annet, Tarrock, Hacket, Reddag, Ritto, Weeo.  Knot: Knut, Cnut (Dane), Sillar Plover (Scotland), Dunne.  Lapwing: Green Plover, Peewit (English due to its call), Te-wit, Bastard Plover, Crested Lapwing, Cornwillen, Flopwing. Hornpie, Horny Wick, Horny Wig, Tee-weep, Teuchit, Wipe, Cornchwiglen (Welsh). 

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker: Barred Woodpecker, Hick-wall, Little Black and White woodpecker, Crank-bird, Tapper.  Linnet: Grey Linnet, Red Linnet, Brown Linnet, Whin Linnet, Linnet Finch, Red-headed Finch, Greater Redpole, Rose Linnet, Lint-white, Lintie, Sparrowneb Lintie, Llinos (Welsh).  Little Grebe: Crannie (from Scotland meaning ‘recessed’), Dabchick, Didapper, Small Ducker, Black-chin Grebe.  Little Tern: Lesser Tern, Lesser Sea Swallow.  Long-tailed Duck: Col Letter Duek, Coal Lighter, Candle Lighter (Scotland for thin taper of the tail for lighting a candle), Calloo, Dar-call, Coldie, Hareld, Oldsquaw (N American).   Long-tailed Tit: Long-tailed Mag, Mum-ruffin, Bottle-tit, Bottle-tom, Long-tailed capon, Long-tailed Pie, Caper-Long Tail, Oven-builder, Poke-pudding, Mufflin. Barrel Tit, Bottle jug, Bum Barrel, Bum Towel, Bush oven. Creak Mouse, Feather Pick, Longie, Poke Bag, Poke Pudding, Rose Muffin.   Magpie: Pyet, Pientet, Madge, Mag, Chatter Pie, Haggister, Nan-Pie, Tell Pie, Pioden (Welsh).  Manx Shearwater: Manx puffin, Cockathodon, Skookie (from Scotland), Cleaver, Lyrie.   Marsh Harrier: Moor Buzzard, Bald Buzzard, Marsh Hawk, White-hooded Harpy, Duck hawk, Dun Pickle, Dun Piddle.  Marsh Tit: Willow Biter, Fen Titmouse.  Meadow Pipit: Titlark, Pipit Lark, Meadow Titling, Moor Tit, Moss-cheeper, Ling-bird, Meadow Lark, Gowk’s Fool.  Merlin: Stone Falcon, Blue Hawk.  Mistle Thrush: Mistletoe Thrush, Pyot, Missel bird, Stormcock, Screech Thrush, Holm Thrush, Holm Screech, Gaw Thrush. Hollin Cock, Marble Thrush, Norman Gizer, Sad Cock, Sed Cock, Saith, Shrill Cock, Shrite, Sycock, Thrice Cock.   Montagu’s Harrier: Ash-coloured harrier.   Moorhen Water hen, Moat Hen, Marsh Hen, Stank hen (Stank-Pond). 

Night Heron: Night Raven, Spotted Heron, Gardenian Heron. Nightjar: Night Hawk, Goat Sucker, Wheel-bird, Dor Hawk, Fern Owl, Night Crow, Jar Owl, Churn Owl, Eve-churr, Night-churr, Puckeridge, Lich Bird, Dor Hawk, Spinner.  Nuthatch: Nut-jobber, Wood-cracker, Mud dauber, Mud-stopper.  Osprey: Fishing Hawk, Mulllet Hawk, Eagle Fisher.  Oystercatcher: Willie Beeb (Willie is N England name for wader), Cherlie Piper (Scotland after Bonnie Prince), Seapie (old British for sea magpie), Pioden y Mor (Welsh for Sea Magpie), Mussel Cracker, Shelder, Olive, Chalder, Shalder, Trillachan.   Pied Flycatcher: Coldfinch  Pied Wagtail: Peggy Dishwasher, Wash-tail, Nanny Wash-tail.  Pintail: Cracker, Winter Duck, Sea pheasant.  Pochard: Dookan Duek (Scotland for diving duck), Dunbird, Red-headed Wigeon, Red-headed Poker, Duneur.  Pomarine Skua: Pomatorhine Skua, Gull Hunter, Gull-Chaser, Jaeger Gull, Jiddy Hawk, Marlinspike.  Ptarmigan: White Game, Rock Grouse.   Puffin: Sea Parrot, Coulterneb, Tammie Norie, Sea Cockie, Bouger, Guldenhead, Pâl (Welsh).  Purple Sandpiper: Willie Beets (Scotland meaning small wader), Selninger Sandpiper, Black Sandpiper.  Quail Quick-me-Dick, Wet-me-lip (call), Soflair (Welsh). 

Raven: Ralph, Cigfran (Welsh for meat crow).   Razorbill: Black-billed Auk, Murre, Marrot, Falk.  Red-backed Shrike: Lesser-butcher bird, Flusher, Murdering Pie, Jack Baker, Wariangle, Wary Hanger.  Red-breasted Merganser: Earl Duek (Scotland from Harle- from French)   Red Grouse: Moor Fowl, Muir Fowl (Scotland), Red Game, Moor Game, Grugiar (Welsh).  Red Kite: Glead, Gled, Fork-tailed Kite, Crotchet-tailed Puttock, Barcud Goch (Welsh).  Red-legged Partridge: French Partridge, Guernsey Partridge.  Redshank: Peter Redlegs, Wee-weet, Pleep Teuke, Pool Snipe, Sand Cock. Red-legged Horseman, Red-legged Sandpiper, Clee, Tuke.  Redstart: Firetail, Fireflirt, Brantail, Redtail, Brandtail, Branter, Tingoch (Welsh).  Red-throated Diver: Raingoose, Ramgoose (from old Norse “regn gas” due to their eerie call), Cobble, Spratborer, Spratoon, Speckled Diver, Burrian.  Redwing: Red Mavis, Swine Pipe, Whine Thrush.  Reed Bunting: Black-headed Bunting, Reed Sparrow, Water Sparrow, Mountain Sparrow, Black Bonnet, Ring Fowl, Ring Lark, Seave Bird, Seave Cap.  Reed Warbler: Reed Wren, Night Warbler.  Ringed Plover: Grayling, Sand Laverock, Sand Lark, Sand Lairag, Ringed Dotterel, Dull willy, Loo, Sand loo, Stone Hatch, Tullet.  Ring Ouzel: Ring Thrush, Moor Blackbird, Mountain Blackbird, Tor Ouzel, Rock Ouzel, Ring Blackbird, Hill Chack, Ring Whistle.  Robin: Ruddock, Redbreast, Robinet, Bob-robin, Roberd, Bob, Robert, Robin Ruck.  Rock Dove Rock Pigeon, Wild Dove, Rockier, Doo.  Rock Pipit: Dusky Lark, Rock Lark, Sea Titling, Sea Lintie.  Rose-coloured Starling: Rosy Pastor, Pink Stink, Rose-coloured Ouzel.

Sand Martin: Bank Martin, Pit Martin, Sand Swallow, Bank Swallow (N American), River Swallow, Bitterie (Scot for bank biter).  Savi’s Warbler: Nightreeler.  Sedge Warbler: Chan Chider, Chitter Chat.  Shag: Palmer Scarf, Paamer Scarf, Green Cormorant.  Shelduck: Burrow Duck, Sand Goose, Skeelan Goose, Skeelduck, Skel Goose, Bar Goose, Bergander, Hwyaden yr Eithin (Welsh for Duck of the Gorse).  Short-eared Owl: Woodcock Owl, Short-horned Howlet, Mousehawk, Hawk Owl, Broon Yogle.  Siskin: Aberdevine.  Skylark: Field Lark, Lavrock.  Slavonian Grebe: Dusky Grebe, Horned Grebe (N American).  Smew: White Nun (old English), Smee (Norfolk), Lough Diver, White Merganser, Vare Wigeon, Weasel Duck.  Snow Bunting: Tawny Bunting, Mountain Bunting, Snowflake, Snaffle, Sna-feel, Cornbird, Snow fowl.  Song Thrush: Mavis, Common Thrush, Mavie, Thresher, Thrissel, Throstle.  Sparrowhawk: Pigeon Hawk, Hedge Hawk.  Spotted Flycatcher: Beambird, Beebird, Rafter Bird, Post Bird, Wall bird, Cherry Chopper, Cherry Sucker, Cobweb Bird, Chait.  Spotted Redshank: Dusky Sandpiper, Spotted Snipe, Black-headed Snipe, Cour-and Snipe,  Stock Dove Wood Dove, Wood Culver.  Stonechat: Stone-chatter, Stone-clink, Stone-sminck, Stone-smack, Stone-smith, Moor-titling, Chickstone, Checkart, Clocharet, Furze Clacker.  Storm Petrel: Assilag (from gaelic “Asaileag”), Mother Carey’s Chicken, Alamootie, Gourder, Goylir, Martin Oil, Spensie, Witch.  Starling: Stirler, Jester Bird, Shepstare, Sheep Rack, Ship Starling, Shepster, Sheppie (N England).  Stone Curlew: Great Plover, Norfolk Plover, Whistling Plover, Stone Plover, Thick-knee.  Swallow: House Swallow, Chimney Swallow, Barn Swallow, Gwennol (Welsh).  Swift: Bullfit, Screech Martin, Anchor Bird, Black Martin, Collier, Devil’s Bitch, Devilling, Horse Martin, Jack-a-dell, Mattock, Screw  Tawny Owl: Brown Owl, Wood Owl, Hoot Owl, Ivy Owl, Jenny Owlet.  Treecreeper: Treeclimber, Bark creeper, Bark Speeler, Withy Hanger.  Tree Pipit: Pipit Lark, Field Titling, Tree Lark, Grasshopper Lark.  Turnstone: Skirl Craik (Scotland for harsh scream), Hebridal Sandpiper, Stane Putter, Tangle Picker, Stone turner.  Turtle Dove Common Turtle, Ring-necked Turtle, Wrekin Dove, Turtur (Welsh) 

Water Rail Weir Cock, Bilcock, Skiddycock, Runner, Brook-runner, Velvet Runner, Gutter Cock, Jack Runner, Dar Cock, Skitty.  Waxwing: Waxen Chatterer, Chatterer, Bohemian Chatterer, Silk Tail.  Whinchat: Grass-chat, Furze-chat, Ear tick, Gorse Hatch.  Wheatear: Fallow-chat, White-rump, White-tail, Fallow-smitch, Fallow-finch, Chacker, Chackbird, Clodhopper. Arling, Coney Chuck, Ear bird, White-ass.  Whimbrel: Tang Whaup, May Fowl, Ulster May, Mey Bird, Little Waup, (Scotland meaning little curlew), Half Curlew (Old English), Jack Curlew, Curlew-knot, Breem. Chickeril, Seven Whistler, Spowe, Titterel.  Whitethroat: Nettle-creeper, Chur Muffit, Muffie, Small Straw, Straw Mouse, Straw Sucker, Windle Straw.  Whooper Swan: Hooper, Wild Swan, Elk.  Wigeon: Whewer, Whim, Chwiwell (Welsh), Baldpate (American Wigeon).  Willow Warbler: Scotch Wren, Hay-bird, Huck-muck, Ground Wren.  Wood Pigeon: Doo (Scottish) Ring Dove, Cushat, Cushie Doo, Queest, Cow Prise.  Wood Warbler: Wood Wren, Yellow Wren.  Wren: Jenny Wren, Kitty Wren, Titty Wren, Cutty Wren, Giller Wren, Stag. Stumpy Toddy, Stumpit, Titty Todger, Tope, Two Fingers, Dryw (Welsh).  Wryneck: Cuckoo’s Mate, Emmet-hunter, Snake-bird, Long-tongue, Cuckoo’s Marrow (mate), Peel-bird, Rind Bird, Rinding Bird (rind meaning bark), Barley Bird, Pengam (Welsh).  Yellowhammer: Yellow Yeldring, Yellow Bunting, Yellow Yowley, Gold-spink, Yoldring, Yeorling, Yeldrock, Yellow Yite, Yoit, Yarlin, Yeet, Scribbling Lark, Scribbling Schoolmaster, Blakeling, Gladdie, Golden Amber, Writing Lark.  Yellow Wagtail: Ray’s Wagtail, Cow-bird. Cow-clit, Yellow Molly.